Exhibitor information

There is a lot that can be good to keep track of before participating in the Property Fair. Here we have collected information for you.

Psst… You do know that all the important information and the technical exhibitor information are on MyEasyfairs?

Move in:
Monday 10/3 7.00am – 8.00pm
Tuesday 11/3 7.00am – 8.00pm

Move out:
Thursday 13/3 4.30pm – 10.00pm

Opening hours:
Wednesday 12/3 9.00am – 5.00pm
Thursday 13/3 9.00am – 5.00pm

Together with our production company Kista Mäss-Service, we ensure that the fair content is complete and our technical staff is on hand to support you through the entire process.

As an exhibitor, you are most welcome to contact Kista Mäss-Service for any technical questions or to place orders before the fair. We strive to make your trade show experience as comfortable and efficient as possible and we are here to help with anything you need.

Kista Mäss-Service
08-506 650 00

More detailed information can be found here: https://www.kistamassan.se/for-utstallare/

Rooms can be booked via Scandic’s website or by calling Scandic Centralbokning.

Telephone: 08 517 533 00
Email: victoriatower@scandichotels.com

Your safety - Our focus!

Security has always been one of our top priorities, now more than ever.
We do everything to ensure that our events and facilities are clean and safe meeting places for meeting and doing business.

Your health and well-being is our highest priority.
We have raised our already high standards for hygiene and developed new health and safety routines to meet the challenges posed by Covid-19.
You can therefore feel completely safe when you visit our events and facilities.

Register stand personnel

You register your stand staff via My Easyfairs. All booth staff must have an exhibitor card at the fair. Then bring the exhibitor card to the fair for one
faster and smoother entry. Here’s how to proceed:


Log in to My Easyfairs with the login you received when you booked a stand at the fair.


Click on "Manage booth" at the current fair.


Go under the "Prepare your stand" tab.


Click on "Register your staff" under the "Installer staff" section.


Click on "Register your staff" in the new view.


You will now be forwarded to a new window.


Click on "Personnel" (the second tab at the top of the page in the blue field) if you didn't end up there automatically.


Click on "+ new" and add the details of the stand staff. Click on “Next”.


Log in to My Easyfairs with the login you received when you booked a stand at the fair.

My Easyfairs

In My Easyfairs you upload information about the company, your logo, contact details, register booth personnel, fetch banners and collect your digital ticket.



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